Interested in Serving on the Oakbridge Board of Directors?
The 2022 annual membership meeting of the Oakbridge Community Services Association (OCSA) is coming up this Thursday, January 6, at 6:30 PM. It’ll be conducted via Zoom, and you can get the link by e-mailing
While we will have reports from officers and presentations from our alder (Nikki Conklin) and our neighbor who happens to be director of Dane County Emergency Management (Charles Tubbs Sr.), the primary order of business will be electing new members to the Board of Directors. If you live on Oakbrook Circle or any of its 4 cul-de-sac courts, you’re eligible to run for the Board. You must, however, file an official declaration of candidacy by e-mailing your answers to the following questions to
Madison WI 53717
Phone Number:
Information/Qualifications Relevant to Your Candidacy:
[Delete this paragraph if it’s not true; otherwise delete this instruction.] If I am not elected to the Board as a voting member, I am interested in serving as a non-voting member.