Updated Architectural Control Rules

The Board of Directors of the Oakbridge Community Services Association recently completed a nearly two-year project to overhaul the Architectural Control Rules that apply to all 145 homes in Oakbridge. They’ve been whittled down to only 6 pages, and many confusing, redundant, and obsolete items were eliminated.

Since everybody in Oakbridge is required to abide by these rules, you should probably take advantage of this opportunity to re-familiarize yourself with them. They’re available on the “Documents” page of the Oakbridge website:

Those rules are administered by a 5-member Architectural Review Board, which has an opening coming up. It’s not a particularly onerous responsibility, basically involving looking at about a dozen or so proposals a year from Oakbridge residents who want to do something with their property and checking to be sure their intentions comply with the rules, but it does require someone who cares about maintaining our area as a wonderful place to live.

If you’re interested in serving on the ARB, please notify President Abigail Darwin, AKDarwin@gmail.com, 608-334-4971. It’s expected that the position will be filled at the next Board meeting on Wed. Nov. 18.

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