The Oakbridge Board of Directors recommends that trick or treating occur between 5 PM and 7 PM on Halloween, Sunday Oct. 31.
We recommend that people puts treats out at the end of their driveways this year instead of kids coming up to individual doors. See the City of Madison’s website with a link to the CDC Guidelines:https://www.cityofmadison.com/visit-play/halloween-activities
Pumpkin Contest
If you’d like to participate in our pumpkin-carving or -decorating contest, place your pumpkin where it’s easy to see and next to it have a sign with your address. If you’d like to enter more than one artistic effort, make sure each of them has an identifying letter as well as your address. People walking by would keep notes and, by the end of Tuesday Nov. 2, e-mail their top-3 votes to OCSA Secretary RichardSRussell@tds.net with the subject line “OCSA Pumpkin Vote” . Voting is not limited to one per household; each person can vote independently (but only once 😉)! The body of the message should be just 3 lines, like this:1 – 123 Oak St. B2 – 456 Oak Ave.3 – 123 Oak St. A